Category: Videos

  • What goes in… must come out!

    It’s been long enough. While my first puzzle over a year ago was a success… it was also incredibly underwhelming in a lot of ways. Namely how easy it was to solve once you knew the solution. Just didn’t tickle my fancy. This time is different. Not only did I set out to make a…

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  • When the WRONG tool finds the RIGHT job

    This week I’m taking on another one of those race car parts that should really be reserved for a CNC. But I like a good challenge. And somewhere along the line the lathe got involved… maybe challenge isn’t the right word for it 0_o

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  • Only Idiots Do Things Once

    Nope you aren’t experiencing deja vu. I’m just stubbornly determined to make a this damned lead screw. And as expected, it went completely unexpectedly. Largely because of the thickness of my skull. But also because… something something uncharted territory.

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  • Making a Heat Treat Oven

    Yes yes.. I’ve been away for a while… but I’m back with a banger. A tool I’ve needed basically since the beginning. A muhfuggin’ heat treat oven, baby!

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  • So a lathe walks into a bar

    What was the first thing I did when getting the free lathe? Measure how good it was. What was the second thing did? Pretend like that never happened. But not anymore. The time for a definitive test of the lathes performance has arrived… with a good old fashioned bar test. Not to be confused with…

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  • You had one job (and you did it wrong)

    So I’m finally doing it. After 10 months I’m finally addressing the spindle play in the free lathe… And I could hardly believe what I found. Any guesses? The thumbnail is a good hint. Also curious to hear what you guys think of this different format?

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  • When the Screw… Screws You!

    In the culmination of months of work making my own gear cutters we are back on the gifted lathe refurb making… another lead screw. Only this time it has an integrated gear. And is hardened… and is also… brittle. VERY brittle.

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  • Involuter? I barely know her!

    Making gears is something a lot take for granted. Including me. But when you use techniques from 100 years ago, and start from scratch, well… Let’s just say this may be the last time you see me this!

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  • This Tool Makes a VERY Important Shape

    Where’s the best place to pick up? Where you left off of course. Just because I got a little sidetracked by a little cross country road trip last video doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten Yee Olde Eureka tool. So let’s finish it off. And maybe we’ll even demonstrate the beautiful movement it makes on a “gear…

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  • Saving the Machine the World Forgot

    Yes… I’m in the middle of another project. But when an opportunity presents itself to… obtain a piece of machining history that I’ve always wanted, I would be a fool to not drop everything and drive across the country to get it. Doesn’t hurt that I love road trips!

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