Handles, Collars and Stops… OH MY!

As the next installment of the design build that got way out of hand, I’m tacking the bits that make the rotary fixture plate extra satisfying. The locking collar that holds it all together. The block that makes this thing mountable in the milling machine vise. A brutally grippy handlebar and knob (seriously this thing should be illegal). And the precision bump stops that should make this rotary table ultra-repeatable. There’s brass. There’re chamfers. There’re side projects! And if that’s not enough for you (and despite my wife’s eye rolling) there are dad jokes! Ok I’m done… Enjoy!

One response to “Handles, Collars and Stops… OH MY!”

  1. Dad jokes are under appreciated. Having a daughter rolling her eyes along with her mom is complete satisfaction. Your grandpa would be proud. I am.