Making the PERFECT* Slitting Saw Arbor

If you want something done right, sometimes you have to do it yourself. In this project I’ll be engineering and machining an improved slitting saw arbor to replace the bargain barrel piece of junk I bought a while back. Which should be a pretty simple project honestly… but of course I’m incapable of keeping things simple. I’ll include a standard R8 taper making it compatible with my mill’s spindle. But the other end will be a little more interesting. It’s designed such that it can adapter to a wide range of slitting saw blades with different sized holes. Do I have blades with different sized holes? No… but I might one day. Anyway, this does present somewhat of a challenge to keep several assembled parts as concentric as possible. So some precision machining is in order. Including some turning on the mill, as well as my first foray into trepanning. Like I said… I’m incapable of keeping things simple.

2 responses to “Making the PERFECT* Slitting Saw Arbor”

  1. Sir,
    Have you considered building a fractal vise? The drawings alone would be fascinating!
    Thank you,
    Albert A Rasch

    • I’ve considered it a few times but haven’t really come up with a valid reason to make one yet. But I agree it would be a cool project!